Ceci n'est pas une blogger

Ceci n'est pas une blogger

Monday, 20 December 2010


It was raining , pouring down. I didn't want to get wet so I walked as fast as I could, holding my umbrella on one hand and my bag on the other. Same people as always, but just a little difference, no "grown ups" smoking outside, probably because of the rain. Same lollypop man, in his usual good mood. Same cute guys. And I was thinking about those little kids, it's amazing what they can do in just three weeks' time. I wished it never ended. I was missing lot of things, but I was feeling so good..

maybe as good as I had never felt before..


  1. Beautiful:)

    Xx Jorien

  2. portsmouth!! i live next to it - SOUTHAMPTON :D xxx


  3. Thanks for commenting:)
    Too bad you saw snow once! In Holland there's snow almost every year, only the snow doesn't last that long most of the times! Last days there fell like 20 cm which is extaordinary for Holland too, but it's great picture material:)
    I'm your follower now, if you'd like you can follow me back!

    Xx Jorien

  4. it's been raining all over here too! i'd love for it to snow though :)



Thanks for your comment! Have a day full of fashion♥